Why verify emails?

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Companies all over the world rely on validTo to verify email address

Benefits of using email verification

validTo lets you scrub the email list and achieve better results in email marketing. Email list cleaning helps in email marketing. There are many advantage of removing bounced emails from your list.
  1. Reduce hard bounce rate

  2. Get better ROI on email marketing

  3. Keep email lists fresh and accurate

  4. Reduce email marketing expenses

  1. Protect email sender reputation

  2. Improve deliverability of emails

  3. Reduce risk of ESP account suspension

  4. Start reaching real customers

Verification Accuracy
Emails Verified
Bounces Prevented
Trusted Users

Bulk Email Verification Service

Empower your marketing with online email list cleaning!

  • Data security is our priority
  • Easy to use tool
  • Cloud hosted SaaS
  • 99.99% service uptime
  • Instant access
  • No software to install
  • Support via chat, ticket, phone
  • Made in India for the world
Accurate Results

Our email validation tool performs advanced real-time checks that give you high email verification accuracy.

Fast Verification

Our system runs millions of real-time parallel validations. Clean thousands of emails in few minutes.

Data Security

validTo is deployed in the cloud with enterprise level security. We follow best practices to protect your data.

Great Customer Service

Our team of experienced people are ready to assist you and we provide a help desk for all your queries.

Low Pricing

Our best email list verification plans never expires. The more emails you verify the more you save.

Free Quality Analysis

Instantly get to know the overall quality of your email lists. Analyze your mailing list for free.

Made in India

We are proud to create an app for India and thats being used all over the world.

Build by Engineers

With over 10+ years experience in email deliverability, we built a platform that's focused on fast, reliable, efficient email verification.

validTo email validation API

Verify emails with a simple API call before they get to your database. Use our API to validate single email addresses directly on your website and web application.

We integrate with your favorite platforms

Connect validTo to marketing tools that you already use or explore new ways to grow your business.
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Email Validation Checks

Our bulk email validation service uses advanced features that clean up your list
SMTP Verification

We perform deep level SMTP verification on each email address and removes all emails with invalid, inactive, parked domains.

Catch-all Check

We detects and flags the domains that return valid for all emails. This feature helps you maintain a high quality database.


validTo has the latest anti-greylisting technology and offers you the most accurate email verification results.

Temporary Email Check

Get rid of trash email addresses. We identify temporary emails so your future emails will reach the target.

Syntax & Duplicates

Our system detects emails addresses with invalid syntax and removes all duplicate email addresses.

Spamtrap Removal

Spamtrap indicators find and filter spam traps to improve hygiene of your email list. Helps you maintain your ESP account.

What our customers say

Trusted by more than 6000 marketing teams and companies all over the world

Start Cleaning Email Lists

Reduce hard bounces. Build sender reputation. Improve email delivery.

Get 100 free verification credits, no monthly subscription & no credit card necessary